
python--谷歌恐龙快跑小项目_DY.memory_恐龙快跑 谷歌

irpas 2734



import sys import math import time import random import pygame from pygame.locals import * from Scene import Scene from Obstacle import Plant, Ptera from Dinosaur import Dinosaur

# 定义背景填充色,画布宽和高 BACKGROUND = (250, 250, 250) WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 400

#定义游戏结束界面是的样式,即对两张图片的位置显示 def show_gameover(screen): ?? ?screen.fill(BACKGROUND) ?? ?gameover_img = pygame.image.load('./images/others/gameover.png').convert_alpha() ?? ?gameover_rect = gameover_img.get_rect() ?? ?gameover_rect.left, = WIDTH//3, int(HEIGHT/2.4) ?? ?screen.blit(gameover_img, gameover_rect) ?? ?restart_img = pygame.image.load('./images/others/restart.png').convert_alpha() ?? ?restart_rect = restart_img.get_rect() ?? ?restart_rect.left, = int(WIDTH/2.25), int(HEIGHT/2) ?? ?screen.blit(restart_img, restart_rect) ?? ?pygame.display.update() ?? ?# 鼠标精准点击重新开始图标以执行重新开始游戏功能 ?? ?while True: ?? ??? ?for event in pygame.event.get(): ?? ??? ??? ?if event.type == QUIT: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?sys.exit() ?? ??? ??? ??? ?pygame.quit() ?? ??? ??? ?if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() ?? ??? ??? ??? ?if mouse_pos[0] < restart_rect.right and mouse_pos[0] > restart_rect.left and\ ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?mouse_pos[1] < restart_rect.bottom and mouse_pos[1] > ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?return True

#将Score转为生成障碍物的概率,e的-score次幂 def sigmoid(score): ?? ?probability = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-score)) ?? ?return min(probability, 0.6)

#主函数 def main(): ?? ?# 初始化 ?? ?pygame.init() ?? ?screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) ?? ?pygame.display.set_caption("dragon running") ?? ?clock = pygame.time.Clock() ?? ?# 得分 ?? ?score = 0 ?? ?# 加载一些素材 ?? ?jump_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./music/jump.wav") ?? ?jump_sound.set_volume(6) ?? ?die_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./music/die.wav") ?? ?die_sound.set_volume(6) ?? ?pygame.mixer.init() ?? ?"./music/bg_music.mp3") ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?font = pygame.font.Font('./font/font1.ttf', 20) ?? ?# 实例化 ?? ?dinosaur = Dinosaur(WIDTH, HEIGHT) ?? ?scene = Scene(WIDTH, HEIGHT) ?? ?plants = pygame.sprite.Group() ?? ?pteras = pygame.sprite.Group() ?? ?# 产生障碍物事件 ?? ?# 设置的定时器常量第一个用pygame.USEREVENT第二个用pygame.USEREVENT+1 ?? ?GenPlantEvent = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 0 ?? ?pygame.time.set_timer(GenPlantEvent, 1500) ?? ?GenPteraEvent = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 1 ?? ?pygame.time.set_timer(GenPteraEvent, 5000) ?? ?# 游戏是否结束了 ?? ?running = True ?? ?# 是否可以产生障碍物flag ?? ?flag_plant = False ?? ?flag_ptera = False ?? ?t0 = time.time() ?? ?# 主循环 ?? ?while running: ?? ??? ?for event in pygame.event.get(): ?? ??? ??? ?if event.type == QUIT: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?sys.exit() ?? ??? ??? ??? ?pygame.quit() ?? ??? ??? ?if event.type == GenPlantEvent: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?flag_plant = True ?? ??? ??? ?if event.type == GenPteraEvent: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?if score > 10: ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?flag_ptera = True ?? ??? ?key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() ?? ??? ?if key_pressed[pygame.K_SPACE]: ?? ??? ??? ?dinosaur.is_jumping = True ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ?screen.fill(BACKGROUND) ?? ??? ?time_passed = time.time() - t0 ?? ??? ?t0 = time.time() ?? ??? ?# 场景 ?? ??? ?scene.move() ?? ??? ?scene.draw(screen) ?? ??? ?# 小恐龙 ?? ??? ?dinosaur.is_running = True ?? ??? ?if dinosaur.is_jumping: ?? ??? ??? ?dinosaur.be_afraid() ?? ??? ??? ?dinosaur.jump(time_passed) ?? ??? ?dinosaur.draw(screen) ?? ??? ?# 障碍物-植物 ?? ??? ?if random.random() < sigmoid(score) and flag_plant: ?? ??? ??? ?plant = Plant(WIDTH, HEIGHT) ?? ??? ??? ?plants.add(plant) ?? ??? ??? ?flag_plant = False ?? ??? ?for plant in plants: ?? ??? ??? ?plant.move() ?? ??? ??? ?if dinosaur.rect.left > plant.rect.right and not plant.added_score: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?score += 1 ?? ??? ??? ??? ?plant.added_score = True ?? ??? ??? ?if plant.rect.right < 0: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?plants.remove(plant) ?? ??? ??? ??? ?continue ?? ??? ??? ?plant.draw(screen) ?? ??? ?# 障碍物-飞龙 ?? ??? ?if random.random() < sigmoid(score) and flag_ptera: ?? ??? ??? ?if len(pteras) > 1: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?continue ?? ??? ??? ?ptera = Ptera(WIDTH, HEIGHT) ?? ??? ??? ?pteras.add(ptera) ?? ??? ??? ?flag_ptera = False ?? ??? ?for ptera in pteras: ?? ??? ??? ?ptera.move() ?? ??? ??? ?if dinosaur.rect.left > ptera.rect.right and not ptera.added_score: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?score += 5 ?? ??? ??? ??? ?ptera.added_score = True ?? ??? ??? ?if ptera.rect.right < 0: ?? ??? ??? ??? ?pteras.remove(ptera) ?? ??? ??? ??? ?continue ?? ??? ??? ?ptera.draw(screen) ?? ??? ?# 碰撞检测 ?? ??? ?if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(dinosaur, plants, False) or pygame.sprite.spritecollide(dinosaur, pteras, False): ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ?running = False ?? ??? ?# 显示得分 ?? ??? ?score_text = font.render("熊百涛的Score: "+str(score), 1, (0, 0, 0)) ?? ??? ?screen.blit(score_text, [10, 10]) ?? ??? ?pygame.display.flip() ?? ??? ?clock.tick(60) ?? ?res = show_gameover(screen) ?? ?return res

#run if __name__ == '__main__': ?? ?res = True ?? ?while res: ?? ??? ?res = main()



import pygame '''恐龙类''' class Dinosaur(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, WIDTH=640, HEIGHT=500): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.HEIGHT = HEIGHT self.WIDTH = WIDTH # self.imgs = ['./images/dinosaur/wait.png', './images/dinosaur/afraid.png', './images/dinosaur/running.png', './images/dinosaur/flying.png'] self.imgs = ['./images/dinosaur/dino.png', './images/dinosaur/dino_ducking.png'] self.reset() '''跳跃''' def jump(self, time_passed): # time_passed很小时,可近似为匀速运动 if self.is_jumping_up: -= self.jump_v * time_passed self.jump_v = max(0, self.jump_v - self.jump_a_up * time_passed) if self.jump_v == 0: self.is_jumping_up = False else: = min(self.initial_top, + self.jump_v * time_passed) self.jump_v += self.jump_a_down * time_passed if == self.initial_top: self.is_jumping = False self.is_jumping_up = True self.jump_v = self.jump_v0 '''跳跃时变为感到恐惧的表情''' def be_afraid(self): self.dinosaur = self.dinosaurs.subsurface((352, 0), (88, 95)) '''把自己画到屏幕上去''' def draw(self, screen): if self.is_running and not self.is_jumping: self.running_count += 1 if self.running_count == 6: self.running_count = 0 self.running_flag = not self.running_flag if self.running_flag: self.dinosaur = self.dinosaurs.subsurface((176, 0), (88, 95)) else: self.dinosaur = self.dinosaurs.subsurface((264, 0), (88, 95)) screen.blit(self.dinosaur, self.rect) '''重置''' def reset(self): # 恐龙是否在奔跑 self.is_running = False # 为了奔跑特效 self.running_flag = False self.running_count = 0 # 恐龙是否在跳跃 self.is_jumping = False # 恐龙是否在向上跳跃 self.is_jumping_up = True # 跳跃初始速度 self.jump_v0 = 500 # 跳跃瞬时速度 self.jump_v = self.jump_v0 # 跳跃加速度 self.jump_a_up = 1000 self.jump_a_down = 800 # 小恐龙初始位置 self.initial_left = 40 self.initial_top = int(self.HEIGHT/2.3) self.dinosaurs = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[0]).convert_alpha() self.dinosaur = self.dinosaurs.subsurface((0, 0), (88, 95)) self.rect = self.dinosaur.get_rect() self.rect.left, = self.initial_left, self.initial_top


import pygame import random '''场景类''' class Scene(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, WIDTH=640, HEIGHT=500): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.WIDTH = WIDTH self.HEIGHT = HEIGHT self.speed = 5 self.imgs = ['./images/bg/bg1.png', './images/bg/bg2.png', './images/bg/bg3.png'] self.reset() '''不停向左移动''' def move(self): self.x = self.x - self.speed '''把自己画到屏幕上去''' def draw(self, screen): if self.bg1_rect.right < 0: self.x = 0 self.bg1 = self.bg2 self.bg1_rect = self.bg2_rect self.bg2 = self.bg3 self.bg2_rect = self.bg3_rect self.bg3 = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[random.randint(0, 2)]).convert_alpha() self.bg3_rect = self.bg3.get_rect() self.bg1_rect.left, = self.x, int(self.HEIGHT/2.3) self.bg2_rect.left, = self.bg1_rect.right, int(self.HEIGHT/2.3) self.bg3_rect.left, = self.bg2_rect.right, int(self.HEIGHT/2.3) screen.blit(self.bg1, self.bg1_rect) screen.blit(self.bg2, self.bg2_rect) screen.blit(self.bg3, self.bg3_rect) '''重置''' def reset(self): self.x = 0 self.bg1 = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[0]).convert_alpha() self.bg2 = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[1]).convert_alpha() self.bg3 = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[2]).convert_alpha() self.bg1_rect = self.bg1.get_rect() self.bg2_rect = self.bg2.get_rect() self.bg3_rect = self.bg3.get_rect() self.bg1_rect.left, = self.x, int(self.HEIGHT/2.3) self.bg2_rect.left, = self.bg1_rect.right, int(self.HEIGHT/2.3) self.bg3_rect.left, = self.bg2_rect.right, int(self.HEIGHT/2.3)


import random import pygame '''植物''' class Plant(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, WIDTH=640, HEIGHT=500): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.WIDTH = WIDTH self.HEIGHT = HEIGHT # 统计分数时用的 self.added_score = False self.speed = 5 # self.imgs = ['./images/obstacles/plant1.png', './images/obstacles/plant2.png', './images/obstacles/plant3.png', './images/obstacles/plant4.png'] self.imgs = ['./images/obstacles/plant_big.png', './images/obstacles/plant_small.png'] self.generate_random() '''随机生成障碍物''' def generate_random(self): idx = random.randint(0, 1) temp = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[idx]).convert_alpha() if idx == 0: self.plant = temp.subsurface((101*random.randint(0, 2), 0), (101, 101)) else: self.plant = temp.subsurface((68*random.randint(0, 2), 0), (68, 70)) self.rect = self.plant.get_rect() self.rect.left, = self.WIDTH+60, int(self.HEIGHT/2) '''不停往左移动''' def move(self): self.rect.left = self.rect.left-self.speed '''把自己画到屏幕上去''' def draw(self, screen): screen.blit(self.plant, self.rect) '''飞龙''' class Ptera(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, WIDTH=640, HEIGHT=500): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.WIDTH = WIDTH self.HEIGHT = HEIGHT # 统计分数时用的 self.added_score = False self.imgs = ['./images/obstacles/ptera.png'] # 为了飞行特效 self.flying_count = 0 self.flying_flag = True # 统计分数时用的 self.speed = 7 self.generate() '''生成飞龙''' def generate(self): self.ptera = pygame.image.load(self.imgs[0]).convert_alpha() self.ptera_0 = self.ptera.subsurface((0, 0), (92, 81)) self.ptera_1 = self.ptera.subsurface((92, 0), (92, 81)) self.rect = self.ptera_0.get_rect() self.rect.left, = self.WIDTH+30, int(self.HEIGHT/20) '''不停往左移动''' def move(self): self.rect.left = self.rect.left-self.speed '''把自己画到屏幕上去''' def draw(self, screen): self.flying_count += 1 if self.flying_count % 6 == 0: self.flying_flag = not self.flying_flag if self.flying_flag: screen.blit(self.ptera_0, self.rect) else: screen.blit(self.ptera_1, self.rect)




标签: #恐龙快跑 #谷歌