
vue中 基于echart地图功能 省级地图下钻和返回、发射线、水波涟漪等功能展示_一挽长夏_高德地图

irpas 4138

效果图展示-包含水波涟漪、发射线功能效果图 点击地市、区县下钻功能


import echarts from 'echarts' import anhui from '../static/commonJs/anHui.json' window.anhuiData = anhui echarts.registerMap('anhui',anhui) Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts; 页面代码 <template> <div class="orioc-chart-wraper"> <div class="chart" :id="id" ref="chartEle"></div> <div class="fanhui" @click="returnMenu" v-if="mapLevel === 2"> 返回至省级地图 </div> <div class="fanhui" @click="returnMenu" v-if="mapLevel === 3"> 返回至市级地图 </div> </div> </template>

<script> import eventBus from '@/components/event/event-bus' import cityMapData from './anhuiMap' export default { name: 'index', props: { LableData: Array }, data() { return { mapJson: cityMapData.mapJson, // 获取市、区县数据 id: 'anhiMap', option: null, echartsObj: null, beginMap: 'anhui', defaultmapName: '安徽省', // 默认地图名 mapLevel: 1, // 地图所在层级水平 1为省级 2为市级 3为区县级 oldName: '', // 变更地图之前地图名 oldSeriesName: '安徽省', // 变更地图之前地图名 nowName: '', // 当前城市名 nowEName: '', // 当前城市名-拼音 nowCityJson: '', // 当前城市json nowSeriesName: '安徽省', // 当前地图名 colors: [ '#41E0E9', '#1259E5', '#FF6C70', '#FF2482', '#FFA506', '#FD8308' ], geoCoordMap: [], centerPoint: { name: '', // 合肥 value: [117.383042, 31.66119] } } }, mounted() { var that = this this.geoCoordMap = [ { name: '淮南市', value: [116.77, 32.286], status: 1 }, { name: '安庆市', value: [116.47, 30.626], status: 2 }, { name: '池州市', value: [117.47, 30.486], status: 3 }, { name: '六安市', value: [116.51, 31.73], status: 3 }, { name: '蚌埠市', value: [117.18, 32.99], status: 3 }, { name: '宣城市', value: [118.75, 30.93], status: 3 }, { name: '宿州市', value: [117.52, 33.71], status: 3 } ] this.$nextTick(() => { that.echartsObj = that.$echarts.init(document.getElementById( that.setOption(that.beginMap, that.defaultmapName) }) eventBus.$on('onResize', target => { that.echartsObj && that.echartsObj.resize() }) }, methods: { setOption(nowMapData, mapName) { const that = this this.option = { title: { text: '' }, geo: { // 如果在vue里effectScatter没生效,一定要看一下有没有引入geo插件 map: nowMapData, aspectScale: 1.2, // 长宽比 zoom: 1.1, roam: false, // 是否开启鼠标缩放和平移漫游。默认不开启 show: true, // 是否展示立体感地图,默认展示 itemStyle: { normal: { shadowColor: '#013370', shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 25 }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#00E2ED', borderWidth: 0 } } }, series: that.setSeries(nowMapData, mapName) }'click') // 防止echarts点击事件多次执行问题! this.echartsObj.setOption(this.option, true) this.echartsObj.on('click', function(params) { that.changeCityMap(params) }) }, setSeries(nowMapData, mapName) { const series = [ { name: mapName, type: 'map', zoom: '1.1', aspectScale: 1.2, // 长宽比 roam: false, map: nowMapData, // 自定义扩展图表类型 hoverAnimation: true, label: { normal: { show: true, textStyle: { color: '#00A0E9' } }, emphasis: { textStyle: { color: '#FFCC32' } } }, itemStyle: { normal: { borderColor: '#01587B', borderWidth: 1.5, areaColor: '#012350' }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#0D71FF', borderWidth: 0 } } }, { // 中心涟漪 合肥 name: '', type: 'effectScatter', coordinateSystem: 'geo', // data: [this.centerPoint], data: (this.mapLevel === 1) ? [this.centerPoint] : [], // 当地图为安徽省地图时才展示中心涟漪,地市不展示 symbolSize: function(val) { return 20 }, showEffectOn: 'render', // show: (nowMapData === 'anhui') ? true : false, hoverAnimation: true, itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#FFCC32', shadowBlur: 8, shadowColor: '#3D83D6' } }, zlevel: 1 }, { // 涟漪 name: '', type: 'effectScatter', coordinateSystem: 'geo', // data: this.geoCoordMap, data: (this.mapLevel === 1) ? this.geoCoordMap : [], // 当地图为安徽省地图时才展示涟漪,地市不展示 symbolSize: function(val) { return 20 }, showEffectOn: 'render', rippleEffect: { brushType: 'fill' // fill stroke }, hoverAnimation: true, itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#00E4EF', shadowBlur: 8, shadowColor: '#004A70' } }, zlevel: 1 }, { // 发射线 name: '', type: 'lines', zlevel: 2, effect: { show: true, // 发射线移动点是否展示 // show: (nowMapData === 'anhui') ? true : false, period: 6, trailLength: 0.02, symbol: 'circle', // arrow, color: '#00FAFA', // 轨迹图标的颜色 symbolSize: 8, loop: false }, lineStyle: { normal: { color: '#00FAFA', // 轨迹线的颜色 width: 2, opacity: 0.6, curveness: 0.2 } }, // data: this.convertData() data: (this.mapLevel === 1) ? this.convertData() : [] // 当地图为安徽省地图时才展示发射线,地市不展示 } ] return series }, // 各点间的线 以合肥为中心 向其他城市传输 convertData(status) { const that = this var res = [] var fromCoord = that.centerPoint.value for (var i = 0; i < that.geoCoordMap.length; i++) { var dataItem = that.geoCoordMap[i] var toCoord = dataItem.value if (status) { if (dataItem.status === status) { if (fromCoord && toCoord) { res.push({ toName:, coords: [fromCoord, toCoord] }) } } } else { if (fromCoord && toCoord) { res.push({ toName:, coords: [fromCoord, toCoord] }) } } } return res }, // 点击地图,获取下级地图 changeCityMap(params) { var that = this if (that.mapLevel === 3) { // 地图层级为区县时,不可再下钻 console.log('地图层级为区县时,不可再下钻!') return } console.log('进入改变地图方法', params) var chooseName = [] // 由 省地图 —> 市地图 if (that.mapLevel === 1) { chooseName = that.mapJson.filter((item) => { return === // oldSeriesName为市级图表名 }) } // 由 市地图 —> 区县地图 if (that.mapLevel === 2) { for (var i = 0; i < that.mapJson.length; i++) { if (that.mapJson[i].name === that.oldName) { var childMap = that.mapJson[i].children chooseName = childMap.filter((item) => { return === // oldSeriesName为市级图表名 }) } } } that.oldName = // 变更前城市名 that.oldSeriesName = params.seriesName // 变更之前地图名 - 方便区县级返回时,可以取到市级图表的名 if (chooseName && chooseName.length > 0) { this.getChangeData(chooseName) } }, // 获取改变的地图数据 getChangeData(chooseName) { var that = this that.mapLevel = chooseName[0].level // 当前地图层级 that.nowName = chooseName[0].name // 当前城市名 that.nowEName = chooseName[0].eName // 当前城市名-拼音 that.nowCityJson = chooseName[0].json// 当前城市json that.nowSeriesName = chooseName[0].name// 当前地图名 this.$echarts.registerMap(that.nowEName, that.nowCityJson) this.$nextTick(() => { that.echartsObj = that.$echarts.init(document.getElementById( that.setOption(that.nowEName, that.nowName) }) }, // 返回上一级地图 returnMenu() { var that = this // 由市级地图 —> 返回省级地图 if (that.mapLevel == 2) { this.nowSeriesName = '安徽省'// 当前地图名 this.mapLevel = 1 // 当前地图层级 this.$nextTick(() => { that.echartsObj = that.$echarts.init(document.getElementById( that.$echarts.registerMap('anhui', window.anhuiData) that.setOption('anhui', '安徽省') }) } // 由区县地图 —> 返回市级地图 if (this.mapLevel == 3) { var chooseName = this.mapJson.filter((item) => { return this.oldSeriesName === // oldSeriesName此处区县地图之前的城市名称 }) if (chooseName && chooseName.length > 0) { this.mapLevel = 2 // 当前地图层级 this.oldName = that.oldSeriesName // 区县地图之前的城市名称, 为旧的地图名oldSeriesName 名称 this.oldSeriesName = that.nowSeriesName // 旧的地图名,为未变更前的nowSeriesName名称 this.getChangeData(chooseName) } } } }, destroyed() { eventBus.$off('onResize') } } </script> <style scoped> .chart { height: calc(100% - 70px); padding-top: 50px; transform: rotateX(25deg); } .fanhui{ position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 300px; color: #fff; font-size: 20px; cursor: pointer; } </style> anHuiMap.js


// 市级地图 import heFei from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/heFei.json' import anQing from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/anQing.json' import bengBu from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/bengBu.json' import chiZhou from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/chiZhou.json' import huaiNan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/huaiNan.json' import luAn from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/luAn.json' import suZhou from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/suZhou.json' import xuanCheng from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anHuiCityMap/xuanCheng.json' // 池州市区县地图 import dongZhi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/chiZhouMap/dongZhi.json' // 东至县 import guiChi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/chiZhouMap/guiChi.json' // 贵池区 import qingYang from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/chiZhouMap/qingYang.json' // 青阳县 import shiTai from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/chiZhouMap/shiTai.json' // 石台县 // 安庆市区县地图 import daGuan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/daGuan.json' // 大观区 import taiHu from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/taiHu.json' // 太湖县 import yiXiu from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/yiXiu.json' // 宜秀区 import suSong from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/suSong.json' // 宿松县 import yueXi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/yueXi.json' // 岳西县 import huaiNing from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/huaiNing.json' // 怀宁县 import wangJiang from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/wangJiang.json' // 望江县 import tongCheng from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/tongCheng.json' // 桐城市 import qianShan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/qianShan.json' // 潜山市 import yingJiang from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/anQingMap/yingJiang.json' // 迎江区 // 六安市区县地图 import yeJi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/yeJi.json' // 叶集区 import shuCheng from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/shuCheng.json' // 舒城县 import yuAn from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/yuAn.json' // 裕安区 import jinAn from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/jinAn.json' // 金安区 import jinZhai from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/jinZhai.json' // 金寨县 import huoShan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/huoShan.json' // 霍山县 import huoQiu from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/luAnMap/huoQiu.json' // 霍邱县 // 蚌埠市区县地图 import wuHe from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/wuHe.json' // 五河县 import guZhen from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/guZhen.json' // 固镇县 import huaiYuan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/huaiYuan.json' // 怀远县 import huaiShang from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/huaiShang.json' // 淮上区 import yuHui from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/yuHui.json' // 禹会区 import bengShan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/bengShan.json' // 蚌山区 import longZiHu from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/bengBuMap/longZiHu.json' // 龙子湖区 // 宣城市区县地图 import guangDe from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/guangDe.json' // 广德市 import jiXi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/jiXi.json' // 绩溪县 import jingXian from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/jingXian.json' // 泾县 import jingDe from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/jingDe.json' // 旌德县 import langXi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/langXi.json' // 郎溪县 import ningGuo from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/ningGuo.json' // 宁国市 import xuanZhou from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/xuanChengMap/xuanZhou.json' // 宣州区 // 宿州市区县地图 import yongQiao from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/suzhouMap/yongQiao.json' // 埇桥区 import siXian from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/suzhouMap/siXian.json' // 泗县 import lingBi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/suzhouMap/lingBi.json' // 灵璧县 import dangShan from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/suzhouMap/dangShan.json' // 砀山县 import xiaoXian from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/suzhouMap/xiaoXian.json' // 萧县 // 淮南市区县地图 import baGongShang from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/baGongShang.json' // 八公山区 import fengTai from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/fengTai.json' // 凤台县 import daTong from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/daTong.json' // 大通区 import shouXian from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/shouXian.json' // 寿县 import panJi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/panJi.json' // 潘集区 import tianJiaAn from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/tianJiaAn.json' // 田家庵区 import xieJaJi from '../../../../static/commonJs/anhuiMap/huaiNanMap/xieJaJi.json' // 谢家集区 var anHuiMapList = { "合肥市": heFei, "池州市": chiZhou, "安庆市": anQing, "淮南市": huaiNan, "六安市": luAn, "蚌埠市": bengBu, "宣城市": xuanCheng, "宿州市": suZhou, }; var mapJson = [ { name: '合肥市', eName: 'heFei', level: 2 , json: heFei, children:[], }, { name: '池州市', eName: 'chiZhou', level: 2 , json: chiZhou, children:[ { name: '东至县', eName: 'dongZhi', level: 3 , json: dongZhi }, { name: '贵池区', eName: 'guiChi', level: 3 , json: guiChi }, { name: '青阳县', eName: 'qingYang', level: 3 , json: qingYang }, { name: '石台县', eName: 'shiTai', level: 3 , json: shiTai } ] }, { name: '安庆市', eName: 'anQing', level: 2 , json: anQing, children:[ { name: '大观区', eName: 'daGuan', level: 3 , json: daGuan }, { name: '太湖县', eName: 'taiHu', level: 3 , json: taiHu, }, { name: '宜秀区', eName: 'yiXiu', level: 3 , json: yiXiu, }, { name: '宿松县', eName: 'suSong', level: 3 , json: suSong, }, { name: '岳西县', eName: 'yueXi', level: 3 , json: yueXi, }, { name: '怀宁县', eName: 'huaiNing', level: 3 , json: huaiNing, }, { name: '望江县', eName: 'wangJiang', level: 3 , json: wangJiang, }, { name: '桐城市', eName: 'tongCheng', level: 3 , json: tongCheng, }, { name: '潜山市', eName: 'qianShan', level: 3 , json: qianShan, }, { name: '迎江区', eName: 'yingJiang', level: 3 , json: yingJiang, }, ], }, { name: '淮南市', eName: 'huaiNan', level: 2 , json: huaiNan, children:[ { name: '八公山区', eName: 'baGongShang', level: 3 , json: baGongShang }, { name: '凤台县', eName: 'fengTai', level: 3 , json: fengTai, }, { name: '大通区', eName: 'daTong', level: 3 , json: daTong, }, { name: '寿县', eName: 'shouXian', level: 3 , json: shouXian, }, { name: '潘集区', eName: 'panJi', level: 3 , json: panJi, }, { name: '田家庵区', eName: 'tianJiaAn', level: 3 , json: tianJiaAn, },{ name: '谢家集区', eName: 'xieJaJi', level: 3 , json: xieJaJi, }, ], }, { name: '六安市', eName: 'luAn', level: 2 , json: luAn, children:[ { name: '叶集区', eName: 'yeJi', level: 3 , json: yeJi }, { name: '舒城县', eName: 'shuCheng', level: 3 , json: shuCheng, }, { name: '裕安区', eName: 'yuAn', level: 3 , json: yuAn, }, { name: '金安区', eName: 'jinAn', level: 3 , json: jinAn, }, { name: '金寨县', eName: 'jinZhai', level: 3 , json: jinZhai, }, { name: '霍山县', eName: 'huoShan', level: 3 , json: huoShan, },{ name: '霍邱县', eName: 'huoQiu', level: 3 , json: huoQiu, }, ], }, { name: '蚌埠市', eName: 'bengBu', level: 2 , json: bengBu, children:[ { name: '五河县', eName: 'wuHe', level: 3 , json: wuHe }, { name: '固镇县', eName: 'guZhen', level: 3 , json: guZhen, }, { name: '怀远县', eName: 'huaiYuan', level: 3 , json: huaiYuan, }, { name: '淮上区', eName: 'huaiShang', level: 3 , json: huaiShang, }, { name: '禹会区', eName: 'yuHui', level: 3 , json: yuHui, }, { name: '蚌山区', eName: 'bengShan', level: 3 , json: bengShan, }, { name: '龙子湖区', eName: 'longZiHu', level: 3 , json: longZiHu, }, ], }, { name: '宣城市', eName: 'xuanCheng', level: 2 , json: xuanCheng, children:[ { name: '广德市', eName: 'guangDe', level: 3 , json: guangDe }, { name: '绩溪县', eName: 'jiXi', level: 3 , json: jiXi, }, { name: '泾县', eName: 'jingXian', level: 3 , json: jingXian, }, { name: '旌德县', eName: 'jingDe', level: 3 , json: jingDe, }, { name: '郎溪县', eName: 'langXi', level: 3 , json: langXi, }, { name: '宁国市', eName: 'ningGuo', level: 3 , json: ningGuo, },{ name: '宣州区', eName: 'xuanZhou', level: 3 , json: xuanZhou, }, ] }, { name: '宿州市', eName: 'suZhou', level: 2 , json: suZhou, children:[ { name: '埇桥区', eName: 'yongQiao', level: 3 , json: yongQiao }, { name: '泗县', eName: 'siXian', level: 3 , json: siXian, }, { name: '灵璧县', eName: 'lingBi', level: 3 , json: lingBi, }, { name: '砀山县', eName: 'dangShan', level: 3 , json: dangShan, }, { name: '萧县', eName: 'xiaoXian', level: 3 , json: xiaoXian, } ], }, ]; export default{ anHuiMapList: anHuiMapList, mapJson: mapJson, } 参考文档 获取省市区json echart图例 https://·/explore.html


标签: #高德地图 #echarts #from #echartsimport #anhui