

大大的周 3650


文章目录 安装HbasePython连接Hbase1.创建、删除表结构2.增改表数据3.查看表数据4.删除表数据 完整代码更多参考



docker pull harisekhon/hbase docker run -d -h myhbase -p 2181:2181 -p 8080:8080 -p 8085:8085 -p 9090:9090 -p 9095:9095 -p 16000:16000 -p 16010:16010 -p 16201:16201 -p 16301:16301 --name hbase harisekhon/hbase







import happybase # 方法1 connection = happybase.Connection() connection.close() # 方法2 pool = happybase.ConnectionPool(size=3) with pool.connection() as connection: pass 1.创建、删除表结构

HappyBase并不提供方法动态修改hbase的列族,因此当使用HappyBase定义了一个表的时候,它的列族就已经固定了,只能进入Hbase Shell进行修改列族的操作

import happybase connection = happybase.Connection() # 创建hbase表 if "my_hbase_table" not in connection.tables(): # 在所有的表中 connection.create_table( 'my_hbase_table', # 表名 { "col_family_1": dict(), # 定义列族 "col_family_2": dict(), # 定义列族 } ) elif not connection.is_table_enabled("my_hbase_table"): # 查看是否被禁用 connection.enable_table("my_hbase_table") # 取消禁用 # connection.delete_table("my_hbase_table", disable=True) # 删除表 connection.close() 2.增改表数据 import happybase pool = happybase.ConnectionPool(size=3) # 获取连接 with pool.connection() as connection: table = connection.table("my_hbase_table") # 新增数据 # 格式是:put("行名称",{" '列族:列名':'值' "}) table.put("row1", {"col_family_1:col_1": "a", "col_family_2:col_1": "b"}) table.put("row2", {"col_family_1:col_1": "1", "col_family_1:col_2": "2", "col_family_2:col_1": "c"})


3.查看表数据 import happybase pool = happybase.ConnectionPool(size=3) # 获取连接 with pool.connection() as connection: table = connection.table("my_hbase_table") # 查询数据 # 方法1: one_row = table.row('row1') # 获取row1行数据 for value in one_row.keys(): # 遍历当前行的每一列 print(value.decode('utf-8'), one_row[value].decode('utf-8')) # 可能有中文,使用encode转码 # 方法2: for row_index, col_families in table.scan(): # row_key是行index, col_families是列族 for col_key, col_value in col_families.items(): col_key_str = col_key.decode('utf-8') col_value_str = col_value.decode('utf-8') print("行:{} 列:{} 值:{}".format(row_index, col_key_str, col_value_str)) print("=================") 4.删除表数据 import happybase pool = happybase.ConnectionPool(size=3) # 获取连接 with pool.connection() as connection: table = connection.table("my_hbase_table") # 删除数据 table.delete("row1", ["col_family_1:col_1"]) # 删除单个单元格数据 table.delete("row2", ["col_family_1"]) # 删除整个列族 for row_index, col_families in table.scan(): # row_key是行index, col_families是列族 for col_key, col_value in col_families.items(): col_key_str = col_key.decode('utf-8') col_value_str = col_value.decode('utf-8') print("行:{} 列:{} 值:{}".format(row_index, col_key_str, col_value_str)) 完整代码 import happybase connection = happybase.Connection() # 创建hbase表 if "my_hbase_table" not in connection.tables(): # 在所有的表中 connection.create_table( 'my_hbase_table', # 表名 { "col_family_1": dict(), # 定义列族 "col_family_2": dict(), # 定义列族 } ) elif not connection.is_table_enabled("my_hbase_table"): # 查看是否被禁用 connection.enable_table("my_hbase_table") # 取消禁用 connection.close() # 开始操作 pool = happybase.ConnectionPool(size=3) # 获取连接 with pool.connection() as connection: table = connection.table("my_hbase_table") # 新增数据 # put("行名称",{" '列族:列名':'值' "}) table.put("row1", {"col_family_1:col_1": "a", "col_family_2:col_1": "b"}) table.put("row2", {"col_family_1:col_1": "1", "col_family_1:col_2": "2", "col_family_2:col_1": "c"}) # 查询数据 one_row = table.row('row1') # 获取row1行数据 for value in one_row.keys(): # 遍历当前行的每一列 print(value.decode('utf-8'), one_row[value].decode('utf-8')) # 可能有中文,使用encode转码 for row_index, col_families in table.scan(): # row_key是行index, col_families是列族 for col_key, col_value in col_families.items(): col_key_str = col_key.decode('utf-8') col_value_str = col_value.decode('utf-8') print("行:{} 列:{} 值:{}".format(row_index, col_key_str, col_value_str)) print("=================") # 删除 table.delete("row1", ["col_family_1:col_1"]) # 删除单个单元格数据 table.delete("row2", ["col_family_1"]) # 删除整个列族 for row_index, col_families in table.scan(): # row_key是行index, col_families是列族 for col_key, col_value in col_families.items(): col_key_str = col_key.decode('utf-8') col_value_str = col_value.decode('utf-8') print("行:{} 列:{} 值:{}".format(row_index, col_key_str, col_value_str))


col_family_1:col_1 a col_family_2:col_1 b 行:b'row1' 列:col_family_1:col_1 值:a 行:b'row1' 列:col_family_2:col_1 值:b 行:b'row2' 列:col_family_1:col_1 值:1 行:b'row2' 列:col_family_1:col_2 值:2 行:b'row2' 列:col_family_2:col_1 值:c ================= 行:b'row1' 列:col_family_2:col_1 值:b 行:b'row2' 列:col_family_2:col_1 值:c 更多参考



标签: #python连接hbase #pull #run #D #H #myhbase