
PostgreSQL:查询元数据(表 、字段)信息、库表导入导出命令_哥们要飞

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一、查询表、模式及字段信息 1、查询指定模式下的所有表 select tablename,* from pg_tables where schemaname = 'ods'; 2、查询指定模式下的表名及字段 SELECT C.relname, A.attname AS NAME, format_type ( A.atttypid, A.atttypmod ) AS TYPE, col_description ( A.attrelid, A.attnum ) AS COMMENT FROM pg_class AS C, pg_attribute AS A, pg_tables AS B WHERE A.attrelid = C.oid and C.relname=B.tablename AND A.attnum > 0 AND B.schemaname = 'ods' AND B.tablename NOT SIMILAR TO '[a-z,_]+_2022[0-9]+'; 3、查询包含指定字段的表 SELECT DISTINCT C.relname FROM pg_class AS C, pg_attribute AS A, pg_tables AS B WHERE A.attrelid = C.oid and C.relname=B.tablename AND A.attnum > 0 AND B.schemaname = 'ods' AND B.tablename NOT SIMILAR TO '[a-z,_]+_2022[0-9]+' AND A.attname ='dt'; 4、查询指定表的字典(表名、字段名、备注、类型) select c.relname as 表名, obj_description(relfilenode, 'pg_class')::varchar as 表注释, d.description as 字段备注, a.attname as 字段名, concat_ws ('', t.typname,SUBSTRING (format_type (a.atttypid,a.atttypmod) from'\(.*\)')) as 字段类型 from pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t, pg_description d where a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid and d.objoid = a.attrelid and d.objsubid = a.attnum and c.relname in (select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'ap') and c.relname = 'fact_ito'

查询非分区表:and position ('_2' in tablename) = 0

二、会话及锁信息 1、查询所有会话 SELECT sa.* FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity sa 三、导入导出命令 1、数据库导入导出


pg_dump --host= --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=bigdata --if-exists --clean --no-privileges --no-owner --schema-only --file=bigdata_20220815.sql


sudo pg_dump --host= --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=kettle --if-exists --clean --no-privileges --no-owner --file=kettle_20221110.sql


sudo psql --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=postgres --file=kettle_20221110.sql --dbname=kettle ?2、模式导入导出


sudo pg_dump --host= --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=bigdata --schema=ods --if-exists --clean --no-privileges --no-owner --schema-only --file=schema_bigdata_ods_20221110.sql


sudo pg_dump --host= --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=bigdata --schema=ods --if-exists --clean --no-privileges --no-owner --file=bigdata_ods_20221110.sql


sudo psql --host= --port=5432 --username=postgres --file=bigdata_ods_20221110.sql --dbname=bigdata 3、表导入导出


pg_dump --username=postgres ?--host= --port=5432 --dbname=bigdata --if-exists --clean --schema-only --no-privileges --no-owner --file=dim_area_value.sql ?--table=ap.dim_area_value


pg_dump --username=postgres --host= --port=5432 --dbname=bigdata --if-exists --clean --no-privileges --no-owner --file=dim_area_value.sql --table=ap.dim_area_value


psql --host= ?--port=5432 --username=postgres --file=dim_area_value.sql --dbname=bigdata ?4、免密配置



COPY ap.analysis_operating_expenses_details (amount, level_one_name, level_two_name, level_three_name, level_four_name, name, date, organization_name, organization_name_short, dim_customer_name, customer_type, cus_industry, staff_name, cus_manage_code) FROM stdin;


COPY ap.fact_ship_20221031 (order_no, order_line_no, produce_no, ship_no, cus_code, product_code, sales_area_code, sales_organize_code, sales_scene, ship_quantity, receipt_quantity, receipt_baseline, receipt_baseline_days, forecast_receipt_date, forecast_income_date, ship_date, production_cost_baseline, price, receipt_overdue_flag, receipt_overdue_level, income_rule, dt, warehouse_code, staff_code, contract_type, confirm_rule, material_cost_baseline, artificial_cost_baseline, manufacture_cost_baseline, cus_biz_no, not_tax_price, not_tax_authorize_price, ship_row) TO stdout;


标签: #查询pg元数据信息 #tableName #from #pg_tableswhere #schemaname