英文缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文意思 | 缩写分类 |
CAT | Computer Aided Translation | 计算机辅助翻译 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | computerized axial tomography | 计算机轴向断层扫描 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Automated Tester | 电脑自动化测试仪 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Aided Typesetting | 计算机辅助排版 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Aided Tree | 电脑辅助树 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Aided Technology | 计算机辅助技术 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Assisted Teleconferencing | 计算机辅助电话会议 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer of Average Transients | 平均瞬态计算机 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Assisted Testing | 计算机辅助测试 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography | 电脑断层扫描 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computerized Adaptive Testing | 计算机化自适应测试 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Aided Teaching | 电脑辅助教学 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Adaptive Test | 计算机自适应测试 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Assisted Tomography | 计算机辅助断层扫描 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Assisted Translation | 计算机辅助翻译 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Aided Teaching | 电脑辅助教学 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Aided Test | 计算机辅助测试 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Aided Testing | 计算机辅助测试 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Aided Transcription | 计算机辅助转录 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Assisted Training | 计算机辅助培训 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Association of Thailand | 泰国计算机协会 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-based Adaptive Testing | 基于计算机的自适应测试 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Aided Tooling | 计算机辅助工具 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer Aided Training | 计算机辅助培训 | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computer-Aided Tomography (less common; medical imaging; scan/scanning; now CT, Computed Tomography is preferred) | 计算机辅助断层扫描(较少见;医学成像;扫描/扫描;… | 计算机网络 |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography (medical imaging technique; aka CT); now Computed Tomography) | 电脑断层扫描(医学成像技术;又名CT);现在是计算… | 计算机网络 |
CAT | chloramphenicol acetyltransferase | 氯霉素乙酰转移酶 | 生物科学 |
CAT | Chloramphnicol acetyltransferase | 氯霉素乙酰转移酶 | 生物科学 |
CAT | Child's Apperception Test | Child'sApperceptionTest | 医药卫生 |
CAT | Carburetor Air Temperature | 汽化器空气温度 | 数学物理 |
CAT | Creative Arts Team | 创意艺术团队 | 艺术 |
CAT | Clear Air Turbu-lence | 晴空湍流 | 天文地理 |
CAT | Compressed Air Tunnel | 压缩空气隧道 | 天文地理 |