
Python for Everybody- iTunes Tracks_Finale_R

网络 5048

Musical Track Database

This application will read an iTunes export file in XML and produce a properly normalized database,?If you run the program multiple times in testing or with different files, make sure to empty out the data before each run.

You can use this code as a starting point for your application:?http://·/code3/ The ZIP file contains the?Library.xml?file to be used for this assignment. You can export your own tracks from iTunes and create a database, but for the database that you turn in for this assignment, only use the?Library.xml?data that is provided.

Check code:

SELECT Track.title,, Album.title, FROM Track JOIN Genre JOIN Album JOIN Artist ON Track.genre_id = Genre.ID and Track.album_id = AND Album.artist_id = ORDER BY LIMIT 3


?lookup函数思路:首先if False:print,然后找到了标签头置为True,这样下一个就会成为值

def lookup(d, key): found = False for child in d: if found : return child.text if child.tag == 'key' and child.text == key : found = True return None


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('trackdb.sqlite') cur = conn.cursor() # Make some fresh tables using executescript() cur.executescript(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Artist; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Album; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Track; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Genre; CREATE TABLE Artist ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, name TEXT UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE Genre ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, name TEXT UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE Album ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, artist_id INTEGER, title TEXT UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE Track ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, title TEXT UNIQUE, album_id INTEGER, genre_id INTEGER, len INTEGER, rating INTEGER, count INTEGER );''') fname = 'Library.xml' def lookup(d, key): found = False for child in d: if found : return child.text if child.tag == 'key' and child.text == key : found = True return None stuff = ET.parse(fname) all = stuff.findall('dict/dict/dict') print('Dict count:', len(all)) for entry in all: if ( lookup(entry, 'Track ID') is None ) : continue name = lookup(entry, 'Name') artist = lookup(entry, 'Artist') album = lookup(entry, 'Album') count = lookup(entry, 'Play Count') rating = lookup(entry, 'Rating') length = lookup(entry, 'Total Time') genre = lookup(entry, 'Genre') if name is None or genre is None or artist is None or album is None : continue print(name, artist, album, genre, count, rating, length) cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Artist (name) VALUES ( ? )''', ( artist, ) ) cur.execute('SELECT id FROM Artist WHERE name = ? ', (artist, )) artist_id = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Genre (name) VALUES ( ? )''', ( genre, ) ) cur.execute('SELECT id FROM Genre WHERE name = ? ', (genre, )) genre_id = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Album (title, artist_id) VALUES ( ?, ? )''', ( album, artist_id ) ) cur.execute('SELECT id FROM Album WHERE title = ? ', (album, )) album_id = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Track (title, album_id, genre_id, len, rating, count) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )''', ( name, album_id, genre_id, length, rating, count ) ) conn.commit()


标签: #Python #for #Everybody #iTunes #tracks #Musical #Track #DatabaseThis