
react 使用useRoutes遇到的问题_Lora_0925

irpas 6177

问题一:Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of <Component /> from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it.

? 这个是在写路由表的时候,element尝试使用了()=>{import "xxx"}方法,报的错。在这里,element只能是一个React.ReactNode。

我们仔细阅读源码,就能知道useRoutes接收的第一个参数是一个 数组?(RouteObject[]),而数组中的RouteObject 必须包含以下参数:

问题二:React Hook "useRoutes" cannot be called at the top level. React Hooks must be called in a React function component or a custom React Hook function.eslintreact-hooks/rules-of-hooks. ? ?

这个错的意思是React Hook "useRoutes" 不能在顶层调用。 React Hooks 必须在 React 函数组件或自定义 React Hook 函数中调用。


import { useRoutes, Navigate } from "react-router-dom"; import Main from "../pages/main"; import Home from "../pages/home/home"; import Gh from "../pages/gh/gh"; const routes = useRoutes([ { path: "/", element: <Navigate to="/main/home" />, }, { path: "/main", element: <Main />, children: [ { path: "gh", element: <Gh />, }, { path: "home", element: <Home />, }, ], }, ]); export default routes;

在这里 直接使用了useRoutes,外层也没有任何函数包裹。useRoutes是React Hook那么就要遵守Hook的调用规则。那么我们就来看看React Hook的使用规则。Hook 规则 – React


import { useRoutes, Navigate } from "react-router-dom"; import Main from "../pages/main"; import Home from "../pages/home/home"; import Gh from "../pages/gh/gh"; const Routes = () => { const routes = useRoutes([ { path: "/", element: <Navigate to="/main/home" />, }, { path: "/main", element: <Main />, children: [ { path: "gh", element: <Gh />, }, { path: "home", element: <Home />, }, ], }, ]); return routes; }; export default Routes;



标签: #React #Functions #are #not #valid #as #a